Charles Alexander Watzke & Pauline Pabst were my Great-Grandparents

    Charles Alexander Watzke was born to Alexander C. Watzke and Elizabeth Butscher in 1876.     At the age of  22 yrs. old he married Pauline Pabst on 11-24-1898.

Pauline Pabst Watzke Eyrich: Widowed wife of Charles Alexander Watzke
: Jun 23, 1876 in New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana
        Death: Jan 11,1957 in New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Also widowed wife of Jules C. Eyrich: 1873 - March 24,1934.
Exact date Pauline married Jules is not yet known. 

Felix H. Dicharry and Jules C. Eyrich are both laid to rest at the St. Joseph Cemetery #1 in New Orleans.

Charles and Pauline had 2 children as follows: 

Elizabeth (Elise) Magdalen Watzke> Born 9-4-1899                     Married: Felix Dicharry on 1-19-1916,After Felix's death in roughly 1919 Elizabeth remarried in we believe sometime of 1922 to Albert Jorns. Elizabeth and Albert had one daughter Shirley Mae Jorns born on Aug. 15,1924.                               

Elizabeth Died: 1-6-1981 in New Orleans, La.


Charles A. Watzke Sr.>Born 1-7-1901 ( My Grandfather )                                       Died 12-29-1980    


This is the story told through generations concerning my great Grandfather.  "Charles A. Watzke was killed at the age of 33 yrs. old when he had to go to work to support his family and was crushed between 2 railroad boxcars after crossing a strike line in New Orleans on May 26, 1910. Therefore, leaving a widowed Pauline Pabst and 2 children behind."

However, this is an article posted in the New Orleans times Picayune on May 28, 1910 recently brought to our attention concerning how he actually died. Article was discovered by my sister Lori Ann Carver of Florida.                                                       


Below is a copy of Charles A. Watzke's obituary in the New Orleans Times Picayune News Paper on May 27,1910.